Commands in Arabic – Arabic at home

Arabic Commands (imperative Verbs & short Sentences) - Arabic Seeds - daily life

Integrating Arabic into our daily life with our children is one of the best ways to really acquire Arabic. 

We have created this common Arabic commands freebie to get you started!

You can also use some of the commands for a fun kinesthetic Language Learning Activity associating verbs and movements, also named TPR (Total Physical Response): tell the commands, do them and your kids have to copy you! (ex: “jump! sit down! stand up! turn around!” etc…)

What’s in this page:

  1. Common Arabic Commands (imperative verbs and command sentences) with all the needed vowels.  
  2. TUTORIAL: How To get your Arabic Commands with all the personal pronouns.

NOTE 1: If you search for a verb in a bilingual dictionary, you will probably find a lot of Arabic suggestions for only one English verb. And sometimes several Arabic verbs suggestions will be relevant for the same context, but sometimes not. So which one you should choose? If you are not a native speaker, you won’t know. That’s why we provide you a list of verbs that are relevant for the commands context when you talk to your child. (note that we will choose only one Arabic verb from the verbs having the same meaning in this context)

NOTE 2: As you probably know, in Arabic the endings of the imperative الأمر changes according to the person you are talking to. To keep this page clear, the commands will only be given at the person “you” singular masculine. Then, the tutorial below is here to help you find all the imperative forms according to who you are talking to.

NOTE 3: For commands using the prohibition form (ex: “don’t jump”), Arabic don’t use the imperative form. However, you will need ” لا “+ the verb in the jussive case (المضارع المجزوم) – see tutorial below.

TIPS:  You might think “That’s a lot for me to learn!”. As usual, our answer is (and the non-native speaking mom of our team can confirm): go little by little, practice every day, patient and persevere, add sticky notes in your home, repeat and repeat (easy with children! ;)). Remember that using these commands with your children will help them too, they will be exposed to useful verbs and sentences and will be able to say them later!

1. List of common Arabic Commands (verbs and short sentences)

Click below to download the printable PDF:

Download “Commands in Arabic - Printable & Conjugator tutorial” Arabic-Commands-verbs-short-sentences-Arabic-Seeds-2.pdf – Downloaded 3445 times – 1.17 MB

2. Tutorial: How To get your Arabic Commands with all the personal pronouns:

Go to this Arabic Online Conjugator and then, follow these four easy steps (screenshot below):

1) Type or copy-paste the verb الفعل in the infinitive form (given in the PDF): in Arabic, we use the verb at the 3rd male singular person “he” at the past tense.
2) Click on the button on the left, then you will get the conjugation chart of this verb
3) Look at the 1st column from the left, this is the imperative form “al-amr” الأمر. For the prohibition commands, you will need the column just beside the imperative column on the right, named  المضارع المجزوم

4) And the personal pronouns الضمائر are displayed in the 1st column of the chart from the right.

Now you can find everything you need!
NOTE: In the conjugator, you can zoom in and easily read the words (especially to see the vowels). On a desktop/laptop usually, you zoom with “ctrl +”

Look at the following screenshot with the green numbered steps (example with the verb “to clean” نَظّف) :

how to use Arabic conjugation online tool

 You can also use this other Arabic conjugator that seems to be very good:

 Let’s sow the good seeds of Arabic from Baby age!

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3 thoughts on “Commands in Arabic – Arabic at home”

  1. Assalaamoe aleikoem,

    Love the work you’re doing Allaahoema barik!

    Just wanted to let you know that the link to the generator does not work. Could be an issue on my end but since I have no other issues with my connection, I’m guessing it’s not.

    Greetings from the Netherlands!

    Wassalaamoe aleikoem,
    Umm Aassiyah

    1. wa 3alaykum salamu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu Umm Aassiyah, thank you for your words of support!
      Unfortunately, it seems that the Qutrub conjugator’s website is no longer working. It was our favorite, we hope they will put it back. In the meantime, there is also this conjugator that looks good to use:

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