Free Arabic Ramadan Flashcards (Arabic-only and Arabic-English)

Arabic free Ramadan Flashcards - Arabic Seeds free printables

The words in the following flashcards have been selected from our Free Ramadan-themed story «From 0 to 10 in the month of Ramadan».
We recommend that you introduce your learners to this short story, so that it gives a meaningful and enjoyable context to the words included in these flashcards. We think it is important to expose learners to the whole language and not just dry lists of vocabulary, so that they better acquire the language, live it and love it. Watch the free read-aloud VIDEO of these flashcards here!

Suggestions of activities
Tell the name of each flashcard and make the learner repeat after you – or make him/her read the label if he/she knows how to read – and then use the flashcards in different matching games (from easier to more challenging):
1) display the flashcards in front of the learner, tell a name, he/she has to find the right card.
2) do the opposite: show a card, he/she has to tell the name.
3) match each card with a real object or toy.
4) read the related Ramadan story slowly, sentence by sentence, the child has to show the right card when he/she hears you say the key word in the sentence.
5) use our free Ramadan sentence strips to play a matching game between the labels, illustrated flashcards and the strips.

Download “Free Arabic Ramadan Flashcards (Arabic-only and Arabic-English)” Arabic-free-Ramadan-Flashcards-Arabic-Seeds-printables.pdf – Downloaded 5884 times – 733.88 KB

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